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Once you have planned and created your lessons the final act is to deliver them. Here at Standout Teaching we have several tools to help you to deliver your lessons and maximise the impact of your planning.

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Coming soon is our Lesson Planning App. Plan and create your lessons on your mobile phone or tablet, and then use the tools available to ensure smooth delivery. More details will be available soon, keep posted for updates via our Twitter and Facebook feeds.

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Although there will be times when you need to adapt your lesson as you deliver it, you still need to try to keep to timings where possible to cover each aspect of  your planned lesson. Our lesson Doughnut tool is a great way of sharing the sequence of activities to be delivered within the lesson with your students. You can can refer to it during your lesson to keep track of where you are with the sequence of learning. For more details on Lesson Doughnuts then please visit the strategy page.

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Lesson Infographics are simple graphics, which summarise activities within lessons. These communicate, simply and quickly to students, what the tasks are they are undertaking and how these fit into the overall structure of the lesson.

Build them into your own resources or create learning mats to show the learning journey, the choice is yours.

Please visit the infographics strategy page for more details and resources.