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Case studies


The ideas, strategies and resources available from Standout Teaching have been developed and tested within a live school context. Built into School, departmental and individual development plans, the strategies are proved to have a positive impact upon teaching and learning. To demonstrate the type of impact these ides can have we have outlined three  ‘snapshots’ of the improvements Standout Teaching has already made…



School achieving below threshold GCSE results along with ‘Requires Improvement’ Ofsted grading with Teaching and Learning judges as Grade 3 of several inspection reports. Overall quality of teaching and learning judged at less than 70% for ‘Good’ or ‘Outstanding’.

Strategies applied: 

Student 1st Teaching applied as a whole school strategy to improve the quality and consistency of teaching and learning.


Within 8 months of teaching and learning strategies being applied, HMI interim inspection and then full Ofsted inspection regarded school as ‘Good’ along with T&L. Key Ofsted findings for T&L were-

Subject departments use a GAP (Green, Amber and Pink) strategy in lessons to match work to students’ abilities. Students choose which level of work they are comfortable with and can also choose work that makes them think harder. This empowers students in their learning and helps them to take responsibility for it.

The most able students make good progress in a number of subjects. this is a result of activities to raise aspirations such as the ‘Sky High Challenge’ question set in all lessons

Ofsted Inspection Report

School results improved significantly as a result (increase of plus 25% A*-C) and Progress 8 was positive. PiXL award received for most improved school.




Core subject within the school achieving low A*-C and progress data. Inconsistencies in teaching and assessment contributing towards limited progress within lessons over a period of time.

Strategies applied:

As part of a thorough improvement plan, Standout Teaching T&L strategies applied including ‘Sky High Questions’ to address challenge, ‘GAP’ to address differentiation and the Student 1st Teaching principals to address student engagement.


Consistent approach to T&L formed with quality of teaching at a minimum ‘Good’ and with significant outstanding features across the department. Departmental results improved significantly with A*-C more than doubling to 87% and 3-4 levels of progress well above the national averages.




School Direct (salaried) teacher achieving borderline ‘Unsatisfactory’/ ‘Requires Improvement’ grading based upon weak lesson structure leading to limited progress within lessons.

Strategies applied:

Use of sketch lesson planning to address the structure of the lesson to ensure they were student centred and learning was developed to show progress. This was combined with the student centred teaching and learning strategies so that student work was differentiated effectively and assessment was used to inform learning.


Impact within 2 weeks of planning using these strategies showed an improvement in the standard of lessons to a consistent ‘Good’ grading. Over time and through consistent planning, the quality of teaching moved to consistently ‘Good’ with some outstanding features (as verified by school and supporting ITT establishment).

